Scott Stevens joined Pamlico Capital in 1999 and returned in 2003 following business school.
Scott's investing efforts are focused in the Information Services and Tech-Enabled Services sectors.
Scott's current board affiliations include Avant, Becker's Healthcare, CEATI, Datos Insights, HelioCampus, Key Data, Protera and Your Part-Time Controller (YPTC). Representative prior boards include 10th Magnitude, DayNine Consulting, Lightower Fiber Networks, MACTEC, MetaMetrics, Secure-24, Silverline, TMW Systems, USA Compression Partners, Wilcon Holdings and Winsight. Scott also serves on the boards of Arts+, Charlotte Country Day School and The Fletcher School.
BA from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
MBA from The Graduate School of Business at Stanford University
Prior Experience
Analyst in the Communications and Media Finance Group at First Union Securities