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Photo of Walker Simmons, Partner

Walker Simmons joined Pamlico Capital in 2000.


Walker's investing efforts are focused in the Communications and Software sectors.

Walker’s current board affiliations include Airwavz, BNI, ISAAC Instruments, Profisee, SpendHQ, Veson Nautical and World 50. Representative prior boards include CLEARLINK Technologies, Dexter & Chaney, LLC, IntraLinks, Lightower Fiber Networks, Metro PCS, NuVox Communications, Sonitrol, T2 Systems, TMW Systems, TRG Screen and Wilcon Holdings. Walker serves on the Advisory Board of the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia and has served as Board Chair for Alexander Youth Network.


BS from The McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia
MM from The J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University
Chartered Financial Analyst

Prior Experience

Vice President at Bruckmann, Rosser, Sherrill & Co., Inc.
Associate at The Robinson-Humphrey Company

The list of “All” portfolio companies above includes every investment made since 2007 and selected investments made prior to this time period. “Active” portfolio companies include all currently held investments. “Exited” portfolio companies include the portion of investments in “All” that have been fully exited.

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